Demystifying SEO Strategy

SEO is not simple but it’s not rocket science. If you have always wondered what SEO is all about, allow this SEO agency to demystify it for you.
Why does your website even need an SEO Strategy?
When a user or customer needs information about a product or service, their first instinct is to turn to a search engine. This engine, in order to ensure the user’s needs are met, provides the results based on a number of factors.
It applies complex algorithms to condense information from various websites before presenting it to the user. A company’s website or another website mentioning the company influences these algorithms in a big way. This allows search engines to index web pages and determine what to show in a search results page.
Why is ranking so important?
Because we all are impatient. We want what we want we want right now, and if we don’t get it we turn away and look elsewhere. Due to this quality searchers do not go beyond the first page of results while looking for something online. If the first 10 results don’t give them what they want, rather than going to the second page, they change the query.
Therefore, as a business owner, ranking as high as possible is one of the best ways to generate traffic and grow your business. The SEO companies are to study all on-site and off-site qualities of your website that will set you apart from your competitors and will get you to rank high on Search engine result pages.
Why is SEO so complicated?
Search engines are continuously changing and improving their algorithms. Their main motive is to give users the best results. As these algorithms are refined some elements remain important. Sitesbysara’s SEO team focuses on these elements to create a long-term SEO strategy:
Onsite SEO – we tweak elements like the site architecture, the content within, the website speed to make it friendlier for the visitors. Through keyword research we target the best performing keywords; match it with the existing content and distribute it online.
Off-site SEO – this relates to the way other sites mentions your website. Our SEO strategy includes building high quality and high authority incoming links and maintaining a relevant and active social media following among others.